Critic Reviews
What could have been an interesting gender twist on tried-and-true revenge fantasies devolves into a tone-deaf uninteresting rip-off of much more compelling films.
Sandie Angulo Chen
Common sense media
If we needed any proof that the methodology of Hollywood's extreme makeover ; gender edition is broken.
Peppermint might just be the thing.
Emily Yoshida
Despite a committed performance by Garner, peppermint is an extremely forgettable and bland action movie that leaves no impression on the viewer.
Chris Agar
Screen Rant
This flick Is a horribly written 102 minutes of bloodletting and spewed foul language.
The Plugged
"peppermint " starring Jennifer Garner as a hardworking suburban mom turned avenging angel, is a belabored exercise in lazily constructed de javu.
Aisha Harris
The NYTimes
Garner has the talent to make expect more, she needed support from the filmmakers. but what did she get? A lazy facsimile of the revenge movie she richly deserved.
Peter Travers
Rolling Stone
"peppermint " is poorly written cliche revenge movie. Garner deserved better.
Rosemary Martins
Martini movie blog